Wednesday, April 13, 2011


yeah...bout the topic...
everyone here noes that i need a forgiveness desperately...
and...talking bout this...i suddenly recalled a malay movie i watched long time ago...
that movie was about a man who was jailed for burglary...
after he was released from the jail...he searched for his family...
eventually, he found his family...but...his family...thought it was a disgrace having him with them...
so...knowing that he could no longer stay in this family...
he left...
he looked for jobs...but everyone in the city noes bout his past...
they throw a disgusted look at him...looking down at him...some even throw rotten eggs at him...
he endured all of that...
started opening a stall repairing shoes whr he learnt the skill during his days in the prison...
he received minimal least enough for him to earn a living...
one day...there's 1 lady walk pass his stall...
she fell down while she walks...this cobbler step forward to help her by carrying her handbag...
that lady...doesn't express gratitude but accused the cobbler for trying to snatch her handbag...
she threatened to bring him to the police station...
he tried to explain but that lady insisted that she was right...
after a few minutes of onlooker...who so happened to see the whole incidence explained to the lady...
that passerby told the lady..."everyone has the rights to correct his/her mistakes...
but if u dun even give him a chance to correct his mistakes...
he would only do the same mistakes again as ppl already thought that he would only do again and again..."
in chinese...we said...做人不要太绝...毕竟都是人...总要留一点的生路让他改变...
that lady finally acknowledge that she was wrong...
she apologised and left shyly...
the moral of the story matter how bad a person was in the past...
as long as he's willing to correct his wrong...we should give him a chance... 


Anonymous said...

talking about who??

u or her??



YourLoveIsMyDrug said...


Anonymous said...

nvm lar... its ok ad ma now

YourLoveIsMyDrug said...

mana datang de ok...